Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Woo Hoo. We did it

Celebrated my birthday with Mormor and The Montemayor family.

Yesterday was a day to remember...I had my final round of Herceptin treatment. I cannot believe 1 year of going back and forth, juggling schedules, and visiting Dr's and nurses is behind us. Looking back now I realize this was not possible without the support of my loving husband, daughter and entire family and friends. Thank you ALL for your support, prayers and PMA. As I open a new chapter for the Elizondo family I hope I can continue to encourage and support others that face the big C. Lets not give up , but instead forge on and look for ways to find cures and heal others.

It has been quite a white winter here in TX! Very unusual, but so beautiful. Here are some pictures from our "blizzard" and also our birthday celebrations. Both Beto and I had birthdays to celebrate this year...and Lila made it so much fun.

Love to all.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Surgery a Success!

Family Portraits!

Thanksgiving was celebrated at our home in Plano. My mom (mormor) came to be with us and so did Mike and Imelda Hopps. It was fun seeing them and being thankful for a wonderful family.

The weekend before surgery we took advantage of the nice weather and visited some local Christmas festivals! Lila saw Santa, reindeer and so the Holiday season begins!

Finally, Nov. 30th came and went. Surgery was long (7 hours), but a success. I stayed in the hospital for two nights and we were very pleased with the service. On the second day there we got to look out the window and see Plano covered in white! Yes, it was snowing! Oh, we were sad not to be with Lila on this morning, but she was so fortunate to be with her Mormor who was taking care of her at home. Apparently, this is Lila's reaction to the snow " Wow! where is it coming from? Is it Christmas now?" ...precious moments...I have included some pics. Thank you Mom for being with us.

I am now recovering and healing. I am soo thankful for the network of friends (Mommies from school and Mom's group) for all the meals they have provided for us. I keep thinking I can cook up a meal, unload the dishwasher and do laundry...but as soon as I reach and tug I am reminded that I must take it thank you Beto, Lila and Mormor!

The Holidays are upon us. Lila is super excited about Santa and Christmas. We decorated the house, put up the lights and have managed to do a little shopping! I still have a couple drains (which should be taken out early next week) and my incisions slowly feeling better each day.
As the Christmas Season quickly approaches us I realize that we need to take time to enjoy it. Lila is looking forward to "Jesus' Birthday" and so are we! It is hard to believe I have nearly reached a year (January 14)since this bumpy road began...but I have to continue believing and having a PMA (postive mental attitude). I am able to accomplish this with the help of my loved ones that surround me each day.
Happy Holidays!!!

Hurray! It is Fall!

Wow! I cannot believe I have not writen in the blog since September. I will try my best to catch up. After radiation was over my incentive and goal was to schedule my reconstruction surgery. It was a heavy decision to make, meet with Dr. and decide which kind of surgery to have. And then the WAIT~! Oh, we really learned about patience these last couple of months! I finally made the decision for Dr. Meade to do the Lattisumus Dorsi with implant surgery. On Nov. 30th surgery would be done at Baylor Hospital in Plano.
Meanwhile we continued to live and enjoy the Fall acitivites with Lila and family. Pumpkin patch, trick or treating, and Thanksgiving were all part of it. Here are a few pictures from the Fall.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tada! One step closer!

Hurray, Lila is 3!
Tio Albar jr. and Lila

My wonderful hubby keeps me strong! (pic. taken by Lila!)

Our Virgencita from Bo and Perla has kept us safe.

Tia Laura, Wela and Lila

It is September 16..a day to celebrate Jeanne's Independence from radiation! (oh, of course it is Mexico's Independence day too..) all I have to say is "que viva Jeanne y que viva Mexico!!"
It seemed like 6 weeks was a long time when I first began my treatments, but after awhile it was routine and part of my day. All went major side effects, my skin looks good so I have no complaints:)

Thanks to our wonderful families for coming up to Plano and helping us out with our schedules and Lila. It was such a blessing to have you all in our home and we know Lila treasured each and everyone of you.
The next step for me will be my final reconstruction surgery. This will probably take place at the beginning of November. I will meet with my Dr. in a month to schedule. I also will continue recieving treatment every 3 weeks thru a 90 minute IV to make sure those aggresive cancers NEVER come back. This will continue until February.

Soooo, we continue to enjoy every minute of life here in the Elizondo house! Lila turned 3 last month and started preschool. She continues to learn and appreciate her surroundings. Her latest quotes are: " Mommy (or Daddy I missed you today. Thank you for taking me to ......I love you".

With that said I end by saying --Thank you to all of you for your continued love and has been a bumpy 8 months, but one that has made me appreciate life, family and friends EVERY day!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chapter 3 !

Happy 4th of July!

San Antonio with Mormor!

Well, it has been awhile since my last entry and there is lots to say. I had my surgery in June and the best news since then is that the path report was good news. My lymph nodes were not affected and the rest is gone, gone , gone! I recovered from surgery fine. Thanks to all who wrote, called, emailed and sent all that PMA my way. We really really do appreciate it and feel it. I don't think I would have bounced back as quickly as I did if the support was not there.

We managed to get away and drove to San Antonio to visit my mom (Mormor) and brothers and families in July. It was a nice trip and so much fun to see everyone. Lila enjoyed getting to know her "primos" (cousins).
We are now back in Plano and back to our routine. Lila is still enjoying her summer filled with playdates , swim classes, tumbling and vacation bible school. Her pre-school starts up again at the end of August.

I am getting used to my new daily visit to Texas Oncology for my daily dose of radiation. Since my original tumor was large I was told I still need radiation even though I had negative path reports. I will be going everyday Monday thru Friday. It is painless and easy...seems like it takes longer to get there, change and drive home...but I am not complaining. We have to juggle our schedules a little to try to accomodate my appointments and have someone watch Lila so she doesn't have to go with me.

So, this is chapter 3 .... it seems like my road to recovery is ongoing, but that is a good thing as I look forward to many many more chapters full of happiness, excitement and togetherness. Soon this will all be behind us:)
By the way Lila is proud to announce to everyone that she will be 3 this August!! She keeps us busy each day as we celebrate her fabulous twos.

More later...xoxox

Friday, June 26, 2009

Medical Center of Plano Web Address Correction

Correction to web address below:

Surgery's Done and Waiting for Room!!!

Jeanne is out of surgery and in the Recovery Room. Both Dr's said she made it through both procedures like a champ. Lymph node exams were negative for any cancer cells but were still removed for safety sake. Plastic surgeon said that everything went very well and that she will be a little uncomfortable for a few days but that she will be very happy with the end result once everything heals in place.

Thanks to all of you for your calls, texts, email, prayers and support!

It means the world to me and Lila.

God bless you all and will keep the updates coming.

Con todo corazon,


Jeanne is in Medical Center of Plano, Room 420A, ph# 972-596-6800